3/9/17: Fire on South Table Mountain, Golden, CO
Time-lapse video of two hours of last night's fire on South Table Mountain, from 9:14 to 11:13 PM: And a few images of the fire's progression: …
12/22/16: Space.com post of ‘SuperMoon’ image
Fortunately this time it didn't take 4 months to learn that Space.com again picked up an image of mine, in this case, the recent TerraLapse composite of the Nov 2016…
12/2/16: Olde Golden Christmas Candlelight Walk 2016
TerraLapse Image: Olde Golden Christmas Candlelight Walk, 2016 Tonight's Olde Golden Christmas Candlelight walk was an amazing sight to behold. Several thousand people participated, and I decided to create a…
11/27/16: Catching Time over Golden
I sat on a cactus to get this shot. No, really. And I mean, really, really sat on a cactus, that kind with the dozens and dozens of nearly-microscopic needles that…
11/28/16: Green Mtn. Fire
And oddly, tonight, the fire on Green Mtn. provided an image similar to yesterday's, albeit with winds from the opposite direction, and a bit different 'temperature': And the time-lapse video:
11/25/16: Abajo Fidel
Image: Abajo Fidel During my two weeks in Cuba, it was the only single, solitary instance of negative sentiment displayed in public toward Fidel Castro, who died last night at…

11/20/16: Dusk over north Golden
Not much color tonight, but a nice view of north Golden just the same.
11/15/16: Last of the SuperMoon, with sunrise over Golden
As I headed out to shoot the last of the nearly-full SuperMoon this morning, I changed plans at the last second due to the mid- to upper-level clouds in the…
11/14/16: SuperMoon Rises over Downtown Denver
After having spent the morning on the Genesee I-70 overpass with 12-15 other photographers shooting the setting SuperMoon, I was hoping that tonight’s location for the rising, 12-hour-old SuperMoon might…
11/14/16: SuperMoon over Continental Divide (Colorado)
Last night's SuperMoon actually became truly 'full' just after setting this morning. I went up to the Genesee overpass on I-70, and although I was the second one there, ultimately…